

長いと読みずらいし、わかりづらい命名にするとメンテするときになんでこんな名前にしたのか ?





プログラマーのためのネーミング辞書 | codic

このサービスは、日本語で記述するとネーミングをいい感じに教授してくれます。しかも、 visual studio codeと連携するといい感じにネーミングを教えてくれてプログラミングするときに便利です。


Visual Studio 拡張をリリースしました – codic ブログ


When you are programming, you sometimes have trouble naming variables and methods, don’t you?

If the naming is too long, it is hard to read, and if the naming is difficult to understand, it is hard to understand why you chose such a name when you are doing maintenance.

It’s not consistent, and it’s not very nice.

So, how to code with proper naming is a question that requires a lot of experience.

How useful would it be if there was a site that could teach you how to do it?

I would like to introduce a site that I found recently.

プログラマーのためのネーミング辞書 | codic

This service gives you a good professor of naming if you describe it in Japanese. Moreover, if you use this service in conjunction with visual studio code, it will teach you naming in a nice way, which is useful when programming.

Click here to learn how to do it.

Visual Studio 拡張をリリースしました – codic ブログ

We hope it will be useful for your development.